Harris E7018 1/8" Welding Rod 10lb Box - 70186010
7018 is a high deposition covered electrode for low and medium carbon steels. It is an efficient, iron powder, low hydrogen covered electrode with excellent mechanical properties, crack resistance and x-ray quality welds. This covered electrode offers a quiet, stable, low penetration, spatter-free arc. The moderately heavy slag is easy to remove, revealing a bead with distinct ripples. Operator appeal is a plus factor.
- High deposition electrode for low and medium carbon steels
- Excellent mechanical properties
- Produces crack resistant, x-ray quality welds
- Provides a quiet, stable, low penetration, spatter-free arc
- Slag is easily removed revealing a bead with distinct ripples
- Operates with AC or DCEP polarity
- All position welding, except vertical down
- Typical applications include low alloy structures, piping, pressure vessels, boilers, heavy-duty equipment, ship building, general maintenance and fabrication
- Conforms to ANSI/AWS A5.1 & ASME SFA 5.1 E7018
Harris E7018 1/8" Welding Rod 10lb Box - 70186010
7018 is a high deposition covered electrode for low and medium carbon steels. It is an efficient, iron powder, low hydrogen covered electrode with excellent mechanical properties, crack resistance and x-ray quality welds. This covered electrode offers a quiet, stable, low penetration, spatter-free arc. The moderately heavy slag is easy to remove, revealing a bead with distinct ripples. Operator appeal is a plus factor.
- High deposition electrode for low and medium carbon steels
- Excellent mechanical properties
- Produces crack resistant, x-ray quality welds
- Provides a quiet, stable, low penetration, spatter-free arc
- Slag is easily removed revealing a bead with distinct ripples
- Operates with AC or DCEP polarity
- All position welding, except vertical down
- Typical applications include low alloy structures, piping, pressure vessels, boilers, heavy-duty equipment, ship building, general maintenance and fabrication
- Conforms to ANSI/AWS A5.1 & ASME SFA 5.1 E7018