Lincoln ED033870 Excalibur 7018 MR Stick SMAW Welding Rod, 5/32 14 in, 50 lb Easy Open Can
Excalibur 7018 MR is a mild steel, low hydrogen stick electrode that features improved coating integrity, extreme bend ability and 60% less mositure pickup versus competition. Typical applications include power generation, ship building, chemical processing structures, and pressure piping.
• Premium arc performance
• Extreme bend ability
• Excellent moisture resistance
• Clean arc starts
• Clear puddle and a smooth arc
• Reduction of arc starting porosity
Lincoln ED033870 Excalibur 7018 MR Stick SMAW Welding Rod, 5/32 14 in, 50 lb Easy Open Can
Excalibur 7018 MR is a mild steel, low hydrogen stick electrode that features improved coating integrity, extreme bend ability and 60% less mositure pickup versus competition. Typical applications include power generation, ship building, chemical processing structures, and pressure piping.
• Premium arc performance
• Extreme bend ability
• Excellent moisture resistance
• Clean arc starts
• Clear puddle and a smooth arc
• Reduction of arc starting porosity