Lincoln ED011199 Lincore 30-S Metal-Cored Submerged Arc SAW Welding Wire, 3/32 in, 600 lb Speed Feed Drum
LINCORE® 30-S is developed for build-up on tractor rollers, trunnions, idlers and crane wheels before final overlay, and as a final surface for improved resistance, offers moderate impact on shafts, track rails and idlers hardfacing application with unlimited deposit layers and very high quality of weld metal.
- Intended for build-up before final overlay, and as a final surface for metal-to-metal wear with moderate impact
- For automatic and semiautomatic operation on mild and low alloy steels
- Good resistance to cross checking
- Unlimited deposit thickness with proper preheat and interpass temperatures and procedures
Lincoln ED011199 Lincore 30-S Metal-Cored Submerged Arc SAW Welding Wire, 3/32 in, 600 lb Speed Feed Drum
LINCORE® 30-S is developed for build-up on tractor rollers, trunnions, idlers and crane wheels before final overlay, and as a final surface for improved resistance, offers moderate impact on shafts, track rails and idlers hardfacing application with unlimited deposit layers and very high quality of weld metal.
- Intended for build-up before final overlay, and as a final surface for metal-to-metal wear with moderate impact
- For automatic and semiautomatic operation on mild and low alloy steels
- Good resistance to cross checking
- Unlimited deposit thickness with proper preheat and interpass temperatures and procedures